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Downsizing can be a very positive thing, but it can be pretty stressful if you don't go through it effectively. For tips on how to downsize successfully, read this post by Land Title in Minnesota. 

How to Go Through the Downsizing Process

Living in a smaller space can have its pros: it can be cheaper, it's easier to maintain, it allows you to keep less stuff around, and it can be cozier. Still, the downsizing process to fit into a smaller property can be hard to go through. To help you out, the following post will share some tips on the matter.

Call Land Title at 651-697-1900 if your real estate transaction requires title services, such as title insurance in Minnesota.

Plan for the Downsizing

If you want the downsizing process to go over seamlessly, you will need to plan for it; a lot. Before you begin your planning, however, set goals for the whole process (for instance, how much do you want to get rid of and by when). This so you can have a clear direction of what you're doing, and avoid getting lost or confused. You should also plan the time for the process: give yourself enough time to go through everything so you can make the right choices without feeling too pressured. Planning with days (or even months) in anticipation will help you go through the downsizing in a more calm and effective way.

Consider Your Lifestyle

The next step in the downsizing process requires some pretty deep introspection on your part. This is because you will have to consider your lifestyle thoroughly to continue with the process. When you do, think about your daily routine, and the things you absolutely need to go through with it. It's also imperative that you consider where you want your life to be in a few years time. For example, if you want children, your needs will change dramatically. Thinking about your current lifestyle and future plans will help shine some light on the things you need and the things you can get rid of, which will help the downsizing process move along.

Compare the Properties

Of course, it can be extra hard to downsize and decide on what you can fit in your new place without knowing the exact measurements of the properties. For that reason, you should measure both of them precisely. First, measure the property you currently have. You may even want to measure the bigger items you plan on taking to the new place (for example, the couch). Write the measurements down. Then, go to the new place and measure it as well. Once you have that information, you will be able to get a better sense of what you can fit in the new property, which will help you in your decision making process significantly.

If you're buying a new property, or selling an old one, call Land Title in Minnesota at 651-697-1900. They can help you have a successful and safe closing process.

Work on De-Cluttering

Obviously, you will need to de-clutter, lest you want your new property to be completely filled with stuff and have no space for you. To that end, you will need to look at every single item you own and ask yourself if it fits into your lifestyle or future plans (which you should have figured out a few points above). Then, you need to think if that item is in good condition, if it brings you joy, if you still use it, and more. If you find that you don't want it or need it anymore, create piles of things depending on whether you can sell them, donate them, or throw them away.

Enlist Outside Help

Last but not least, to make this whole process a lot easier on you, enlist help from friends and family to go through it. As you may be aware, often times we become very attached to our things, which can make the de-cluttering more difficult. Having an outsider help you will give you an unbiased opinion or a new perspective on the process. This, in turn, will allow you to improve your decision-making abilities. Not to mention, having someone with you will make the downsizing less stressful. Plus, it's likely that it will make the process much more time-efficient, since you'll be able to share the burden with someone else.

Turn to Land Title in Minnesota if you're in need of a professional company to guide you through your real estate transactions. Call 651-697-1900 to learn about their services, or to purchase title insurance in Minnesota.